Tuesday, March 8, 2011

"Jen, you are one girl revolution."

Thanks Odette. I hate this title. I do not want to be "A one girl revolution." why is it that we generally want what we cannot have, get it, and then revolt?

I did not hear the voice of my God for 4 long years. when you are pretty sure that you are prophetic that is a whole hell of a long time. who cares anyways?? prophecy is crap. it brings about no change. people will only disappoint you by refusing to listen. My mom had a destiny she had purpose she was called she knew the voice of her God  and she killed herself.

 I got confused, lost my way, told God I no longer cared to hear what he had to say. he granted me this, and I was pissed at him for doing so.

I changed in those years. God did a work in me and I began to get an inkling of maybe how God feels.

free will. we all have it. we all exercise it we all run we all fall. we ARE all deeply flawed.

I told God If I never prophecy again I'm yours. meant it. found great joy in just trying to be a good Mom, good christian, wife and friend. and of course, God started to burn in me all consuming can't ignore it, bring you to your knees "ugly cry" kinda burn.I speak I prophecy and now I am on fire. I demand change. not just for myself, but for the people around me. I want revolution. and If I am the only one I can find, well I will find a way to be o.k with that to and hope that if the fire starts to fade I will remember the source in which It came from so I may find it again.

I have no idea how to do this blog thing but here is to trying to be obident. cheers.

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